Saturday, January 12, 2019

Lather, Rinse, repeat.....

Back in New Zealand again, but a very different trip from our 7 month house swap 2 years ago. This will be a 2 month trip, mainly couch surfing, week by week.   Jeannette has been coming back almost every year for about 15 years now, and has collected a wonderful group of friends. I haven't made nearly as many trips, but enough to look forward to the cycle. It is good to see our friends again and revisit our favorite places. Skipping part of our winter to get an extra summer doesn't suck too much either.

On arrival, it was interesting to note what seemed familiar and what seemed different. On my first walk out, I was greeted by the call of my favorite NZ bird, the tui.  The tui has a very distinctive call that can be identified by even a non-birder, bringing back memories of listening to their calls as I worked in my upstairs office during our last stay here. The nature of the bird calls changes from early morning to midday to dusk. I can't identify most of the birds, but the pattern becomes very familiar and comforting.

There are many sights that look very familiar over the years. The vegetation here is very different than what we're used to. A few of the trees were designed by Dr Seuss, and we never tire of seeing them. The tree fern and cabbage tree are very common and distinctive.

Tree Fern
Cabbage Tree

You don't have to travel too far from Auckland and you'll start to see this.... a one way bridge sign. On the South Island, you'll even find these on the major highways. Seems a bit odd at first, but they soon become routine, and they work.

Let the cycle continue.....

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